The radiator speed-memory has been recently shown to have important consequ
ences for spectral lineshapes in the collision regime. This speed-memory co
ntrols the speed changing collisional mechanism, which becomes crucial when
inhomogeneities arise from the speed dependence of the line broadening and
/or shifting parameters. The extension of such a memory approach to lower d
ensities requires the introduction of a pertinent velocity-memory function
(instead of that based on speed) in order to also account for the confineme
nt narrowing, A simple velocity-memory model which describes separately the
correlation processes for the velocity-modulus (i.e, the speed) and for th
e velocity-orientation is proposed, The resulting analytical line profile i
s derived within the impact kinetic equation. The evolution of the resultin
g lineshape vs, the density is studied from the Doppler to the collision re
gime for the H-2-Ar prototype system, The specific roles of the velocity-or
ientation memory and speed memory processes are analyzed in a wide range of
density, for which both confinement narrowing and speed dependence of rela
xation parameters influence the spectral lineshape. (C) 2000 Elsevier Scien
ce B.V. All rights reserved.