The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) introduced enforced accommodation
s implemented by retail businesses for disabled shoppers. Despite such legi
slation, disability advocates and disabled shoppers report that access rema
ins incomplete. In this article I investigate an apparent dilemma facing re
tailers: that architectural interpretations of the ADA do nor create the re
asonable access that mobility-disabled shoppers actually desire. Despite th
is law, I propose that reasonable access depends heavily on a commitment by
individual retailers to interpret the ADA in terms of consumer experience.
Critical ethnography is used to uncover the multiple sides of this issue t
hrough the voices of retail students simulating disabilities, retail stride
nt teams accompanying disabled students, and retail managers discussing dis
abilities access. Analysis of these data exposes numerous contradictions be
tween structural compliance and desired consumer access. Based on those con
tradictions, a Reasonable Access Framework is proposed that potentially cou
ld assist retailers in developing a code of reasonable access based on thei
r own professional standards. Public policy implications are also presented