Interdisciplinary research has been identified as a critical means of addre
ssing some of our planet's most urgent environmental problems. Yet relative
ly little is known about the processes and impacts of interdisciplinary app
roaches to environmental sciences. This study used citation analysis and or
dinary least squares regression to investigate the relationship between an
article's citation rate and its degree of interdisciplinarity in one area o
f environmental science; viz., forestry. Three types of interdisciplinarity
were recognized-authorship, subject matter, and cited literature-and each
was quantified using Brillouin's diversity index. Data consisted of more th
an 750 articles published in the journal Forest Science during the 10-year
period 1985-1994. The results indicate that borrowing was the most influent
ial method of interdisciplinary information transfer. Articles that drew in
formation from a diverse set of journals were cited with greater frequency
than articles having smaller or more narrowly focused bibliographies. This
finding provides empirical evidence that interdisciplinary methods have mad
e a measurable and positive impact on the forestry literature.