Exposures in the Oligocene to Miocene section of coal mines in the Li Basin
of northern Thailand show a complex structural evolution. The basins forme
d under approximately east-west extension. NW to north-south-striking norma
l faults are dominant with some east-west normal faults also being],resent,
but much less frequently. Episodically compressional and/or strike-slip ev
ents affected the basin creating new east-west to NE-SW-striking thrusts an
d folds and inverting some normal faults. The latest episode of compression
formed NW-SE to north-south striking thrusts and folds. Cross-cutting stru
ctures, reactivation of structures, syn-sedimentary deformation and unconfo
rmites help to constrain the relative timing of structural events. At least
five episodes of predominantly NNW-SSE to NE-SW oriented compression inter
rupted the extensional development of the basin. The compression was probab
ly related to the escape tectonics of the Himalayan orogeny. The episodic n
ature of the compression and extension is inconsistent with either simple s
trike-slip related opening of the rift basins or simple extension. The data
from the Li Basin indicate a reappraisal of current tectonic models for th
e region is necessary.