In comparative biology, pairwise comparisons of species or genes (terminal
taxa) are used to detect character associations. For instance, if pairs of
species contrasting in the state of a particular character are examined, th
e member of a pair with a particular state might be more likely than the ot
her member to show a particular state in a second character. Pairs are chos
en so as to be phylogenetically separate, that is, the path between members
of a pair, along the branches of the tree, does not touch the path of any
other pair. On a given phylogenetic tree, pairs must be chosen carefully to
achieve the maximum possible number of pairs while maintaining phylogeneti
c separation. Many alternative sets of pairs may have this maximum number.
Algorithms are developed that find all taxon pairings that maximize the num
ber of pairs without constraint, or with the constraint that members of eac
h pair have contrasting states in a binary character, or that they have con
trasting states in two binary characters. The comparisons chosen by these a
lgorithms, although phylogenetically separate on the tree, are not necessar
ily statistically independent. (C) 2000 Academic Press.