The occurrence of abscess disease, caseous lymphadenitis, and pulmonary ade
nomatosis in sheep in Denmark is reported for the first time. Subcutaneous
abscesses were observed in imported 4- to 5-month-old lambs of the Lacaune
breed 10 days after arrival in Denmark. Abscesses were mostly located in th
e head, neck and shoulder regions close to the regional lymph nodes. Bacter
iological examinations revealed growth of Staphylococcus aureus ssp. anaero
bius in all animals with subcutaneously located abscesses containing a visc
ous white-yellow odourless mass. In addition, Corynebacterium pseudotubercu
losis was isolated from abscesses in one animal and lesions consistent with
pulmonary adenomatosis were found in four animals.