Translaryngeal tracheostomy is a new type of minimally invasive techni
que for bedside tracheostomy in intensive care patients. After percuta
neous puncture of the trachea below the first tracheal ring, a conic t
racheal cannula is fixed to an orally forwarded guide wire. The cannul
a is then pulled through in orthograde fashion set up, rotated and pus
hed forward caudally Among the first 25 translaryngeal tracheostomies
in 24 patients, only two complications appeared: one misplacement of t
he cannula and one infection of the stoma. During a median apnoea time
of about 80 s an average PaCO2 increase of 8.0 +/- 6.8 mmHg was docum
ented; hypoxias could not be seen. Translaryngeal tracheostomy seems t
o be an appropriate alternative to established tracheostomy methods.