Binding of adenosine to neuronal adenosine receptors activates a signal tra
nsduction pathway (the adenosine mechanism), leading to a temporary ischemi
c tolerance. We have demonstrated before that induction of this mechanism i
n primary rat neuronal cultures, by activation of adenosine receptors, or b
y activation of protein kinase C (PKC), confers a wide time window of ische
mic tolerance, lasting up to 72 h, the early (immediate) part of which depe
nds on opening of K-ATP channels (glibenclamide sensitive). Here we demonst
rate that the entire duration of the ischemic tolerance conferred by activa
tion of the adenosine mechanism depends on opening of the K-ATP channels. T
hus, opening of the K-ATP channels appears to be a mandatory step in the ad
enosine mechanism, leading to the creation of the wide time window of ische
mic tolerance. NeuroReport 11:463-465. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilki