A higher susceptibility to diseases or parasites in males than females may
be an ultimate consequence of the different reproductive strategies Favored
by selection in the two sexes. At the proximate level, the immunosuppressa
nt effects of testosterone in vertebrates provide a mechanism that can caus
e male biases in parasite infections. Invertebrates, however, lack testoste
rone and other steroid hormones. We used a meta-analysis of published resul
ts to investigate whether sex biases in parasite infections were generally
observed among arthropod hosts despite the absence of the immune-endocrine
coupling provided by testosterone. Overall, male and female arthropods did
not differ in prevalence or intensity of parasite infections. This is based
on an analysis of sex differences corrected for sample size and, when poss
ible, variability in the original data. Sex biases in parasite infection we
re not more likely to be observed in certain host or parasite taxa, and wer
e not more pronounced in experimental studies than in surveys of naturally
infected hosts. Our results suggest that because of the absence of endocrin
e-immune interactions in arthropods. males are not generally more prone to
parasite infections than females despite the greater intensity of sexual se
lection acting on males.