In this, the first of three papers, the nature of, and motivation for; neur
onal transients is described in relation to characterizing brain dynamics.
This paper deals with some basic aspects of neuronal dynamics, interactions
, coupling and implicit neuronal codes. The second paper develops neuronal
transients and nonlinear coupling in the context of dynamic instability and
complexity, and suggests that instability or lability is necessary for ada
ptive self-organization. The final paper addresses the role of neuronal tra
nsients through information theory and the emergence of spatio-temporal rec
eptive fields and functional specialization.
By considering the brain as an ensemble of connected dynamic systems one ca
n show that a sufficient description of neuronal dynamics comprises neurona
l activity at a particular time and its recent history. This history consti
tutes a neuronal transient. As such, transients represent a fundamental met
ric of neuronal interactions and, implicitly a code employed in the functio
nal integration of brain systems. The nature of transients, expressed conjo
intly in distinct neuronal populations, reflects the underlying coupling am
ong populations. This coupling may be synchronous (and possibly oscillatory
) or asynchronous. A critical distinction between synchronous and asynchron
ous coupling is that the former is essentially linear and the latter is non
linear. The nonlinear nature of asynchronous coupling enables the rich, con
text-sensitive interactions that characterize real brain dynamics, suggesti
ng that it plays a role in functional integration that may be as important
as synchronous interactions. The distinction between linear and nonlinear c
oupling has fundamental implications for the analysis and characterization
of neuronal interactions, most of which are predicated on linear (synchrono
us) coupling (e.g. cross-correlograms and coherence). Using neuromagnetic d
ata it is shown that nonlinear (asynchronous) coupling is, in fact, more ab
undant and can be more significant than synchronous coupling.