Background: Individuals with Down syndrome have an increased prevalence of
coeliac disease (CD). The HLA region accounts for only 30% of the heritabil
ity of CD, and segregation analyses have suggested the involvement of at le
ast one other non-HLA gene. Distribution of known HLA susceptibility types
in Down syndrome and normal populations are similar and do not explain the
difference in disease frequency. This study tests the hypothesis that the a
ssociation between these disorders is due to a susceptibility gene for coel
iac disease being present on chromosome 21. Methods: We studied 21 families
multiply affected with CD, none of whom had Down syndrome. The typing info
rmation of six microsatellite markers across chromosome 21 was used to test
Linkage. Results: Negative results from lod score and model-free Linkage a
nalysis were obtained, providing no support for genetic linkage of coeliac
disease to chromosome 21 in this population. Conclusions: The high prevalen
ce of coeliac disease in Down syndrome is not due to an increased copy numb
er of a polymorphic susceptibility gene on chromosome 21.