We here report on a new HLA-A19 allele (A*2416) found in a German kidney re
cipient, Serological class I typing revealed HLA-A11,19 without clear defin
ition of the A19 split antigen. As with serology, polymerase chain reaction
(PCR)-based typing also revealed inconclusive results. We therefore sequen
ced the gene from the 5' flanking region through the 3'-end of exon 4 of th
is allele after haplotype-specific PCR amplification. The sequence analysis
revealed a new HLA-A allele which is identical to A*3101 with the exceptio
n of the 3' half of exon 2 which is identical tu the common A9 alleles. The
phylogenetic analysis constructed with the nearest neighbor algorithm and
based on exons 1-4 or introns 1-3 clearly indicated, that A*2416 belongs un
equivocally to the A19 lineage.