Efforts are under way, to develop a phenotypic analysis assay capable of id
entifying and differentiating chemicals with the potential to induce irrita
tion and IgE-mediated and T-cell-mediated sensitization. These studies comp
are results obtained with the irritancy/phenotypic analysis assay to those
obtained in, the mouse ear-swelling test (MEST) and the local lymph node as
say (LLNA). Female BALB/c mice (5 animals per group) were exposed topically
to the human sensitizers 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) anal potassium di
chromate (PDC) as well as the irritant methyl salicylate (MSC), following t
he protocol for each assay. DNCB was identified as a sensitizer in the LLNA
and phenotypic analysis assay at concentrations as low 0.25%. In the MEST
DNCB was considered positive in concentrations as lour as 0.01 and 0.05% at
the 24- and 48-h measurements of the MEST respectively. PDC tested positiv
e as a sensitizer in the LLNA and the phenotypic analysis assay at concentr
ations as low as 0.25 and 0.1%, respectively. In the MEST, PDC was negative
at the 24-h time point and tested positive only at the 48-h measurement at
the highest concentration tested, 0.5%. Both DNCB and PDC induced an eleva
tion in total serum IgE at the 0.5% concentrations. MSC was negative for se
nsitizing potential at all concentrations tested in all four assays. Phenot
ypic analysis of lymph node cells removed from animals dosed with the three
chemicals gave results similar to the LLNA, but had the advantage of detec
ting chemicals with the capacity to induce an increase in the IgE(+) cell p