During copper electrorefining silver reports to the anode slimes, which are
then smelted to recover the silver. Smelting involves the use of a slag, s
uch as sodium silicate, to hold the oxidized copper, but some silver is als
o inevitably oxidized to the slag. Some work has been published on the effe
ct of oxygen partial pressure on the solubility of silver in slags, but the
re is disagreement on the actual silver content and the identity of the dis
solving species.
The solubility of silver in sodium silicate slags at 1100 degrees C and 115
0 degrees C has now been determined over a very wide range of oxygen partia
l pressures. Silver was shown to be present in the slags as both neutral si
lver atoms, Ag degrees, and AgO0.5. The values of the activity coefficients
of both Ag degrees and AgO0.5(s) in the slag, defined as SiO2-NaO0.5, were
determined. That for Ag degrees was found to be a very strong function of
both slag composition and temperature, whereas that for AgO0.5(s) was much
less affected by slag composition and was almost independent of temperature
over the limited range examined. The results reveal that dissolved silver
in sodium silicate smelting slags cannot be fully recovered by reduction of
the slag with very reducing gases.