Artificial neural networks have been widely used as models for a variety of
nonlinear hydrologic processes including that of predicting runoff over a
watershed. In this paper such networks were organized in a modular architec
ture to handle complex sets of rainfall-runoff data. Such data often contai
n examples corresponding to different rules that may be associated with hig
h, low, and medium streamflows. Different modules within the network were t
rained to learn subsets of the input space in an expert fashion. A gating n
etwork was used to mediate the response of all the experts. The problem was
posed as one of Bayesian statistics combined with maximum likelihood estim
ation of network parameters. The training of the gating network was equival
ent to the classification problem (i.e., identification of the expert), whi
le the experts trained to minimize the absolute difference between predicte
d and target monthly discharges. The performance of modular networks in pre
dicting runoff over three medium-sized watersheds was examined. Average mon
thly rainfall of current and previous months and average monthly temperatur
es were treated as network inputs, and monthly runoff was treated as output
. Three different modular network architectures were examined in this payer
: two based on hard classification and one based on soft classification. In
addition, a fully connected feed forward network was utilized for comparis
on purposes. On the basis of the results, modular networks appear to be goo
d alternatives for predicting runoff. The role of these networks on issues
regarding probabilistic interpretability and classification are discussed.