The economy and flexibility of the pi-calculus make it an attractive object
of theoretical study and a clean basis for concurrent language design and
implementation. However, such generality has a cost: encoding higher-level
features like functional computation in pi-calculus throws away potentially
useful information. We show how a linear type system can be used to recove
r important static information about a process's behavior. In particular, w
e can guarantee that two processes communicating over a linear channel cann
ot interfere with other communicating processes. After developing standard
results such as soundness of typing, we focus on equivalences, adapting the
standard notion of barbed bisimulation to the linear setting and showing h
ow reductions on linear channels induce a useful "partial confluence" of pr
ocess behaviors. For an extended example of the theory, we prove the validi
ty of a tail-call optimisation for higher-order functions represented as pr