The full exploitation of information contained in mortality curves offers a
tool for direct verification of theories of aging. We have analyzed the be
havior of mortality curves for middle and high age groups and have proposed
a mathematical model of mortality correlated with the rate of aging,The mo
del offers an explanation for the mutual relationships between mortality cu
rves and suggests potential methodologies for determining experimental modi
fication of the rate of aging.
The applicability of this theory is demonstrated by analysis of the changes
in mortality as it is influenced by dietary antioxidants or by a calorie r
estricted diet. Survival data taken from a variety of studies were used as
primary information, with parameters of mortality curves being determined b
y computer-assisted analysis of the curves. These analyses support the hypo
thesis that a dominant role for free radicals exists in the control of agin
g in Drosophila. However, in mammals - mice and rats, the effects of antiox
idants as well as caloric restriction on mortality curves do not indicate t
hat these treatments alter the rates of aging.