Microprobe analysis of tremolite from "St. Gotthard," Switzerland, shows th
at it is close to end member in composition (Ca = 1.97 apfu), and not hyper
calcic (Ca = 2.16 apfu), as a previous wet-chemical analysis suggested. The
latter formula, and a corresponding thermodynamic activity (0.67), were us
ed in the experimental database for the extraction of an optimal set of the
rmodynamic properties for tremolite (Chernosky et al. 1998). We derive a re
vised enthalpy of formation of tremolite (-12307.9 kJ/mol) based on bracket
ing experiments for the breakdown reactions of tremolite and tremolite + fo
rsterite, and the assumption of time-averaged effective equilibrium composi
tions of phases in the experimental charges. Mg-cummingtonite substitution
in tremolite is accommodated during free-energy minimization calculations b
y allowing the stoichiometry of the standard-state reaction to vary with th
e changing bulk composition of the amphibole. The breakdown temperature of
tremolite is lowered with increasing cummingtonite component. Our procedure
also allows continuous variation in the equilibrium compositions and activ
ities of pyroxene and amphibole phase-components with P and T.