Injury is an increasingly significant health problem in most low-income cou
ntries. However, strategies for preventing injury have not been well addres
sed. The present study was carried out to measure the incidence and outcome
of various mechanisms of injury in Ghana in order to provide data for use
in developing priorities for injury prevention efforts. For this purpose, u
sing two-stage cluster sampling and household interviews, we surveyed 21 10
5 persons living in 431 urban and rural sites. During the preceding year, 1
609 injuries resulting in one or more days of loss of normal activity were
reported. Injury-related mortality was slightly higher in the urban (83 per
100 000) than in the rural area (53 per 100 000). However, the burden of d
isability from nonfatal injuries, as assessed by disability days, was highe
r in the rural (4697 disability days per 1000 person-years) than in the urb
an area (2671 days per 1000 person-years). Based on incidence rates and dis
ability times, the major types of injury in the urban area were transport-r
elated injury and falls. In the rural area, agricultural injuries predomina
ted, followed by falls and transport-related injury. In rural and urban are
as combined, 73% of motor vehicle-related injuries involved commercial vehi
cles. In this and other similar developing-country settings, injury prevent
ion efforts should focus on falls and on transport safety in both urban and
rural areas, with special attention being paid to commercial vehicles. In
rural areas, agricultural injuries contributed the largest burden of morbid
ity, and should be a priority for prevention efforts.