A regional adjoint modeling system is modified to determine the sensit
ivities of data assimilation and forecast results with respect to pert
urbations of the nudging fields and coefficients A generalized linear
system is used to explain the sensitivities both mathematically and ph
ysically. A linearized shallow-water model is utilized to show that th
e dynamics determining the sensitivities can be well described in term
s of the dynamics of geostrophic adjustment, with the added effects of
dissipation and nudging terms. The purpose of the study is to reveal
the dynamics responsible for the sensitivities of assimilated fields a
nd forecasts to a given observed variable, and thus to gain insight in
to what kinds of information are most (or least) effectively assimilat
ed by the nudging method. The results of the adjoint study reveal that
the nudging terms contribute significantly to the prognostic tendenci
es, even if the values of the nudging coefficient are smaller than tho
se commonly used. When either all dynamic fields or only wind fields a
re nudged, the assimilation result is much more sensitive to the analy
zed data at a later time. The sensitivity of the variance of the diffe
rence between the assimilation result and the analyzed data at the fin
al time within various bands of horizontal and vertical spatial scales
shows that little scale interaction is evident in this study. The qua
litative comparison of the sensitivity results for nudging only wind o
r temperature or both are apparently well explained by referring to re
sults of a sensitivity analysis for a nudged, linear shallow-water mod
el. The latter results-indicate that nudging high-frequency gravity wa
ves toward an analysis that varies on a much slower timescale had litt
le effect on the final assimilation fields, aside from damping. The sa
me was not true for either rotational modes or slowly propagating iner
tial-gravitational modes. The sensitivity analysis of the shallow wate
r model also explains why nudging temperature alone does not produce d
esirable results. All the results indicate that the advection is being
overwhelmed by the nudging even when the value of the nudging coeffic
ient is half as large as commonly used, but geostrophic and dissipativ
e adjustment are acting effectively. For larger values of the nudging
coefficients, the effects of advection are diminished more.