Bootstrapping is a simple technique typically used to assess accuracy of es
timates of model parameters by using simple plug-in principles and replacin
g sometimes unwieldy theory by computer simulation. Common uses include var
iance estimation and confidence interval construction of model parameters.
It also provides a way to estimate prediction accuracy of continuous and cl
ass-valued outcomes regression models. In this paper we will overview some
of these applications of the bootstrap focusing on bootstrap estimates of p
rediction error, and also explore how the bootstrap can be used to improve
prediction accuracy of unstable models like tree-structured classifiers thr
ough aggregation. The improvements can typically be attributed to variance
reduction in the classical regression setting and more generally a smoothin
g of decision boundaries for the classification setting. These advancements
have important implications in the way that atmospheric prediction models
can be improved, and illustrations of this will be shown. For class-valued
outcomes, an interesting graphic known as the CAT scan can be constructed t
o help understand the aggregated decision boundary. This will be illustrate
d using simulated data.