According to the current view, schizophrenia pathogenetically cannot be att
ributed to only a single causative factor, but rather arises from a complex
pattern of pathogenetic conditions. Psychiatric genetics demonstrates the
existence of genetic conditions, but nontheless the inheritance of schizoph
renia does not fit simple Mendelian models. Additionally, gender difference
s, neurostructural abnormalities, and psychosocial deficiencies have also b
een proposed to play an important part in the etiology of schizophrenic psy
choses. The research for neurochemical correlates of schizophrenia has shif
ted in recent years from the classical dopamine hypothesis to an increased
set of various neurotransmitter imbalance models involving not only the dop
aminergic system but also glutaminergic, serotonergic, cholinergic, and GAB
A-ergic transmission. With increased sophistication of biological investiga
tion and pharmacological treatment, it becomes more Important to differenti
ate between subcategories of schizophrenia that may require special therape
utic regimes.