Background. Inappropriate prescribing has the potential to harm both the in
dividual and society. Previous research has identified doctor or demographi
c characteristics that influence prescribing variation but which were not a
menable to change.
Objectives. To identify modifiable factors associated with GP prescribing v
ariance and cost.
Method. Qualitative research methods were used in semi-structured taped int
erviews with 17 GPs in Avon, South West NHS Region, UK.
Results. GPs considered themselves cautious and conservative prescribers. P
rescribing decisions often were justified by the prescriber, despite confli
cting clinical or cost arguments. A personally developed drug formulary was
used to reduce dilemmas potentially associated with prescribing uncertaint
y. Willingness to reflect upon, and measure, prescribing habits against set
professional standards varied considerably. The absence of monitoring mech
anisms of prescribing decisions, coupled with under utilization of the comm
unity pharmacist, resulted in uncertain prescribing outcomes. Some GPs foun
d it difficult to keep up to date professionally due to perceived time cons
traints. Excessive patient demand was considered to influence their prescri
bing, but GPs stated that they were not unduly influenced by the drug repre
Conclusions. Prescribing makes a considerable impact on health and budgets
and yet remains a contentious issue. Improved partnerships between patient,
doctor and pharmacist must be established. Better prescribing decision mon
itoring and support through policy development and educational intervention
is needed to reduce prescribing uncertainty. Newly established Primary Car
e Groups may need to reflect upon the difficulties facing prescribers, part
icularly when prescribing within cash-limited budgets, to avoid discord bet
ween prescribing behaviour and local policy development.