In this paper, the waveforms measured by the strain gauge iri the tapping t
est oil a number of healthy subjects and patients with Parkinson's disease
are analyzed with the objective of reaching a quantitatively evaluation of
the associated symptom. It has been observed that the waveform of a patient
with Parkinson's disease becomes more irregular as the symptom is getting
more serious, while the waveform of a healthy subject is rather regular. In
this study, the regularity of the waveform is evaluated by the so-called t
rajectory parallel measure. The results show a large difference in the traj
ectory par allel measure of the waveforms of healthy subjects vs. those of
the Parkinson's disease patients. Furthermore, the trajectory parallel meas
ure of Parkinson's disease patients can be quantitatively ranked to correla
te to the degree of the symptom. This paper begins with a brief description
about Parkinson's disease. The trajectory par allel measure is then introd
uced and applied to analysis of the waveforms of both healthy subjects and
patients with Parkinson's disease. Illustrative results are shown to demons
trate the applicability of the proposed analysis methodology.