A field experiment was conducted during 1989-91 on sandy clay loam soil at
Ranchi to study the efficiency of forms of urea viz, prilled (PU), lac coat
ed (LCU), rock phosphate coated (RCU), karanj cake coated (KCU) and neem ca
ke coated (NCU) at varying N rates (40, 80, 120 kg/ha) on the productivity
of rice and their residual effect on succeeding wheat. LCU had markedly hig
her grain yield of rice than other forms of urea. Each incremental N level
recorded higher grain yield over its preceding level. However, nitrogen use
efficiency decreased with increasing N levels. Application of LCU and NCU
had higher soil available N after rice as compared with other forms of urea
. This was reflected on the productivity of succeeding wheat. Rice fertiliz
ed with 120 kg N/ha also recorded the maximum grain yield of succeeding whe