This paper proposes a neural architecture, based on two Hopfield nets inter
connected with a Boltzmann Machine, for a completely data driven edge-prese
rving restoration of blurred and noisy images. Solving this restoration pro
blem entails the joint estimation of the image, the degradation operator an
d the noise statistics, assuming that only the data are available. Since we
consider the class of piecewise smooth images, modeled through a coupled M
arkov Random Field with an explicit, constrained line process, the hyperpar
ameters of the image model must be estimated as well. Adopting a fully Baye
sian approach, the solution can be obtained by the joint maximization of a
suitable distribution with respect to the image field, the model hyperparam
eters, and the degradation parameters. The very high computational, complex
ity of this joint maximization means that in most practical cases it cannot
be applied, unless some approximations are adopted. In this paper, by expl
oiting the presence of an explicit and binary line field, we propose some a
pproximations which are effective in computing the solution by means of an
architecture based on interacting neural networks. In particular, we propos
e an architecture where the main computational load is supported by two Hop
field nets, one computing the intensity field, the other performing a feast
square estimation of the blur coefficients. The Boltzmann Machine is used
following two modalities: running and learning. In the running modality, it
updates the binary line process; in the learning modality, it performs the
ML estimation of the hyperparameters, which are interpreted as the weights
of cliques of interconnected neurons. Simulation results are provided to h
ighlight the feasibility and the efficiency of the adopted methodology.