Important progress has been made in the identification of specific environm
ental factors and estimation of hereditary components in bone density, quan
titative ultrasound (QUS), and bone turnover indices. By contrast, the sear
ch for specific genes that regulate bone mass has progressed rather slowly,
and the results are more difficult to interpret and reproduce. This articl
e reviews the genetics of osteoporosis and problems plaguing genetic resear
ch. It is argued that the search for genes involved in the expression of os
teoporotic phenotypes should be based on linkage studies in relatively homo
geneous populations. Strategies for increasing the power of studies, such a
s making use of information from extended pedigrees and multivariate analys
is, are discussed, With the advent of a comprehensive human genetic linkage
map, a complete identification of genes for osteoporosis appears feasible,
Understanding the genetic mechanisms and their interactions with environme
ntal factors should allow more focused and cost-effective osteoporosis prev
ention and treatment strategies.