Objective To examine the impact of soft drinks, fruit juices, milk and tea
consumption on vitamin C, iron and calcium intakes in a large, representati
ve sample of preschool children in the UK.
Design Secondary analysis of 4-day weighed dietary diaries.
Sample 1675 children aged 1.5-4.5 years living in the UK in 1992/993.
Results Fruit juice consumers, but not soft drink consumers, had higher vit
amin C intakes and higher plasma ascorbate levels than nonconsumers (P < 0.
001). However, overall intakes tended to exceed the RNI and 45% of children
still had adequate intakes without the contribution of soft drinks and 56%
without the contribution of fruit juice. Children who did not consume frui
t juice or soft drinks were no more likely to have depleted levels of vitam
in C than consumers. Tea drinkers had diets which were lower in iron and vi
tamin C than nonconsumers (P < 0.005). They had lower levels of haemoglobin
(P < 0.05) but not ferritin. Children under 4 years old were less likely t
o meet the RNI for iron if they were tea drinkers (P < 0.005) but no more l
ikely to be anaemic. Calcium intakes were significantly higher for whole mi
lk consumers than for nonconsumers (P < 0.005) and 73% of overall calcium i
ntake was predicted by quantity of all milks consumed. Whole milk consumers
both under and over 4 years of age were significantly more likely to reach
the RNI for calcium (P < 0.00005 and P < 0.05).
Conclusions Preschool children's drinking has an impact on their intakes of
vitamin C, iron and calcium. In particular, intakes of calcium are closely
linked to the amount of milk consumed in this age group.