Objective Both physiologic and pharmacological data have implicated the nit
ric oxide (NO) signaling cascade in the regulation of blood pressure in hum
ans and its impairment in the pathogenesis of hypertension, In biological s
ystems, the principal receptor for NO is NO-stimulated guanylyl cyclase, NO
-stimulated guanylyl cyclases are obligate heterodimers (alpha/beta). The g
enes for guanylyl cyclase subunits alpha(1), beta(1), and beta(2) are likel
y candidates for causing hypertension in the Dahl rat as their expression i
s altered and their gene loci are closely linked to known quantitative trai
t loci for blood pressure in Dahl rat crosses. The objective of the current
study was to test whether markers near guanylyl cyclase subunit genes were
linked to hypertension in Caucasians,
Design To test for linkage of genetic markers in or near the guanylyl cycla
se genes to hypertension in Caucasians, a sample of 124 Utah hypertensive s
ib pairs was genotyped,
Results Four highly polymorphic markers in or near the human guanylyl cycla
se subunits homologous to the rat al (human chromosome 8), rat beta(1) (hum
an chromosome 4), and rat beta(2) (human chromosome 13) genes showed no evi
dence of excess allele sharing in the set of hypertensive sibships.
Conclusion We conclude that the heterodimeric guanylyl cyclase subunit loci
do not appear to be linked to hypertension in Caucasians. J Hypertens 2000
, 18:263-266 (C) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.