The synthetic incorporation of transition metal ions into aluminophosphate
and silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieve frameworks is studied by electro
n spin-echo modulation (ESEM) spectroscopy. Based mainly on bulk chemical c
omposition of the product, it has been suggested that divalent and trivalen
t metal ions such as Mn(II), Co(II), Cr(III). and Fe(III) substitute for fr
amework aluminum sites. On the basis of P-31 ESEM results, we originally su
ggested a framework phosphorus site for the incorporation of metal ions suc
h as Ni(II) and Cr(III) in NiAPSQ-5 and CrAPSO-5 molecular sieves. This sit
e was later supported for other metal ions such as TI(IV), V(IV), and Cu(II
), In this work, we have extended such studies to Mn(II) and Fe(III) to bet
ter understand the metal substitution sites in AlPO4 frameworks. Irrespecti
ve of the particular metal ion, the P-31 ESEM spectra of MeAPO/MeAPSO molec
ular sieves can be interpreted best on the basis of metal incorporation at
a framework phosphorus site, Strong Al-27 modulations are also observed for
these materials, which supports the P-31 ESEM result that incorporated met
al ions are located nearer to aluminum than phosphorus.