In many areas of research and medicine, objective data describing an indivi
dual's ambulatory function are sought as useful indicators of that person's
condition. Normally, detailed measurements are taken over short periods of
time within a controlled laboratory setting. To complement this approach,
Prosthetics Research Study has developed a small, unobtrusive instrument th
at continuously records a simple measure-step counts per unit time-as an in
dividual goes about normal daily life. The Step Activity Monitor (SAM) is a
pproximately the size and weight of a pager and is worn at: the ankle. It c
an detect steps with better than 99% accuracy across a wide range of gait s
tyles for adults, children, and large animals. During monitoring, step coun
ts are recorded at consecutive, adjustable time intervals over weeks to mon
ths at a time. Recording at 1-min intervals for a minimum of 2 weeks is rec
ommended. Once monitoring is completed, the data are transferred to a compu
ter, and the levels and patterns of step activity can be analyzed. This art
icle provides a detailed description of the SAM, guidelines for use, result
s of accuracy and reliability testing, case study descriptions demonstratin
g the ability to measure differences that result from medical interventions
or changes in health status, and a discussion of considerations pertinent
to long-term monitoring of activity.