Background: We have observed, in patients undergoing high-dose PUVA treatme
nt, a type of keratosis not previously described. The lesions usually occur
on the sides of the palms or soles and are clinically distinct. They are g
enerally painless and often go unnoticed by patients.
Objective: We sought to further characterize these lesions both clinically
and histologically.
Methods: Patients attending a PUVA clinic were screened for these keratoses
. Other PUVA-related complications were recorded. Representative lesions we
re photographed, and biopsy specimens were taken.
Results: Biopsy specimens were taken from lesions in 10 patients. All had p
laque psoriasis and had received high UVA doses (>1000 J/cm(2)) through PUV
A therapy. All patients had PUVA-induced keratoses elsewhere, but the numbe
r varied greatly between patients. The hand and foot keratoses were well de
fined and circular and had a characteristic histologic appearance, with a s
harp demarcation between normal and abnormal markedly pale-staining epiderm
Conclusion: These lesions are a further cutaneous manifestation of prolonge
d PUVA therapy.