The River Rhine has its source in the glaciers of the Swiss mountains and e
ventually flows to the flat-lands of The Netherlands. The course of the riv
er can be split into six major morphological sections within different clim
atological regions. This heterogeneity (in the hydrological sense) is refle
cted in twenty-five flood-warning centres along the Rhine and its tributari
es. There is one flood-warning centre in Switzerland, one in France, three
in Germany and one in The Netherlands. This paper describes the organisatio
n and responsibilities of the German flood-warning centres.
The Federal Institute of Hydrology provides the German centres at Mainz and
Duisburg with forecast results. These results were obtained by a statistic
al multichannel filtering model between 1980 and 1997. Commencing in 1998,
a new forecasting system has been in use, which is built up by hydrodynamic
models for the most important river reaches, coupled with statistical appr
oaches for some input gauges. The implementation and data usage of this new
system is discussed and forecast results for the 1993, 1995 and the 1998 f
loods are presented. Finally, the paper provides an outlook on the linking
with precipitation-runoff models.