Audit of the management of acute asthma in hospital has developed in tandem
with guidelines produced and updated by the British Thoracic Society (BTS)
, on the principle that agreed guidelines combined with systematic review o
f practice by periodic audit are more likely to result in improvements in p
ractice than guidelines alone.
A short audit data set was distilled from previous experience with more ela
borate tools and made available nationally to audit departments and through
letters to consultant members of the BTS. Hospitals have been able to cont
ribute since 1990.
The data set reflects key items of the process of care: peak flow measured
on admission and twice daily during the hospital stay; blood gases on admis
sion; systemic corticosteroids as an inpatient; discharged with inhaled and
oral corticosteroids; written self management plans; follow-up arrangement
Data from 4,741 admissions over a seven year period are presented. The prop
ortion of patients nationally receiving these items of asthma care is given
. The median values for hospital performance improved significantly over th
e seven years, although there is potential for further improvement. If thes
e data represent the national picture, they could form the basis upon which
to set national standards for the care of patients with acute asthma in ho
spital. A further result of the developing audit has been the recognition o
f the value of external benchmarking in providing a context for the interpr
etation of local audit results.
This audit system provides hospitals with a quick and easy method of obtain
ing an overview of local performance, with comparative national data for th
e same year. This has potential as a tool for clinical governance with much
wider applicability, providing the data are handled carefully, particularl
y as the variability between hospitals diminishes over time.