A comparative analysis of estuaries, lagoons and coastal ponds focusing on
population differentiation, and community structure is necessary to correct
ly address the issue of brackish water biology. Although the different biot
opes all present similar features of environmental unpredictability and the
common presence of the hypohalobic contingent (ar artenminimum), they each
have their own characteristics, due to the evolution of peculiar balances
in their relation to the sea on the one hand and inland waters on the other
. In addition to euryhaline species, locally adapted populations of stenoha
line species typical of marine habitats, as well as some recently introduce
d species, are also found. These species have given rise to euryhaline popu
lations, reaching their maximum development in an optimal site. This situat
ion occurs between basins with essentially similar ecological features and
probably depends both on the different degree of adaptability of many speci
es to a specific environmental parameter and the type of biocoenoses adjace
nt to the brackish basin. These populations possess genotypes allowing adap
tation to brackish waters, which have resulted in the differentiation, thro
ugh selection, of individuals capable of fine-grained perception of environ
mental unpredictability. Experimental works demonstrated the existence of g
enetically differentiated populations, or, ultimately, sibling species comp
lexes, in several brackish species with broad geographical distribution and
belonging to a wide range of taxonomic groups. The conceptions regarding t
he uniformity of brackish elements and the doubts concerning the existence
of a specific brackish fauna come from the fact that attention generally fo
cuses on species in the traditional meaning of the term, that is to sag at
the macrosystematic level. Comparative analyses of very fine morpho-physiol
ogical changes and genetic analyses result in a rather different picture, l
eading to the conclusion that in brackish waters a given species of marine
origin often consists of many different forms at various levels of differen
tiation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.