Since the establishment of JAMSTEC in 1971, several basic and advanced surv
ey systems have been developed to exploit and study the deep ocean. Present
ly, 4000-m and 6000-m deep tow systems, 2000-m and 6000-m manned submersibl
es, 3000-m, 7000-m and 10000-m ROVs, and cabled deep seafloor observatories
are in operation. A deep and long range AW to survey under the ice or haza
rdous environment, and a wire line reentry system to study crustal deformat
ion process are under development. In addition to the above survey systems,
the five-vessel JAMSTEC fleet, R/V Natsushima, Kaiyo, Yokosuka, Kairei and
Mirai supports research activities in all of the world's oceans. The opera
ting principle for research at JAMSTEC in the next decade is "in depth unde
rstanding of the Earth and life".
We will further expand research activities by utilizing basic and advanced
systems, and deep ocean technology to achieve the above goal.