BACKGROUND. Previous studies relating the incidence of negligent medical ca
re to malpractice lawsuits in the United States may not be generalizable. T
hese studies are based on data from 2 of the most populous states (Californ
ia and New York), collected more than a decade ago, during volatile periods
in the history of malpractice litigation.
OBJECTIVES. The study objectives were (1) to calculate how frequently negli
gent and non-negligent management of patients in Utah and Colorado in 1992
led to malpractice claims and (2) to understand the characteristics of vict
ims of negligent care who do not or cannot obtain compensation for their in
juries from the medical malpractice system.
DESIGN. We linked medical malpractice claims data from Utah and Colorado wi
th clinical data from a review of 14,700 medical records. We then analyzed
characteristics of claimants and nonclaimants using evidence from their med
ical records about whether they had experienced a negligent adverse event.
MEASURES. The study measures were negligent adverse events and medical malp
ractice claims.
RESULTS. Eighteen patients from our study sample filed claims: 14 were made
in the absence of discernible negligence and 10 were made in the absence o
f any adverse event. Of the patients who suffered negligent injury in our s
tudy sample, 97% did not sue. Compared with patients who did sue for neglig
ence occurring in 1992, these nonclaimants were more likely to be Medicare
recipients (odds ratio [OR], 3.5; 95% CI [CI], 1.3 to 9.6), Medicaid recipi
ents (OR, 3.6; 95% CI, 1.4 to 9.0), greater than or equal to 75 years of ag
e (OR, 7.0; 95% CI, 1.7 to 29.6), and low income earners (OR, 1.9; 95% CI,
0.9 to 4.2) and to have suffered minor disability as a result of their inju
ry (OR, 6.3; 95% CI, 2.7 to 14.9).
CONCLUSIONS. The poor correlation between medical negligence and malpractic
e claims that was present in New York in 1984 is also present in Utah and C
olorado in 1992. Paradoxically, the incidence of negligent adverse events e
xceeds the incidence of malpractice claims but when a physician is sued, th
ere is a high probability that it will be for rendering nonnegligent care.
The elderly and the poor are particularly likely to be among those who suff
er negligence and do not sue, perhaps because their socioeconomic status in
hibits opportunities to secure legal representation.