Listeners' ability to infer the mode (major vs. minor) of a piece of Wester
n tonal music was examined. Twenty-four subjects, divided into two groups a
ccording to their level of musical expertise, evaluated 11 musical stimuli,
selected from J. S. Each's Well-Tempered Clavier. The stimuli included bot
h unambiguous and ambiguous examples of the two modes, as well as one examp
le of a modulation (from minor into major). The stimuli consisted of unacco
mpanied melodic openings of compositions, each containing 10 tones. Stimulu
s presentation and evaluation took place in nine progressively longer steps
, starting with presentation of the first two tones, followed by their eval
uation on a continuous scale, with 0 = "extremely minor" and 100 = "extreme
ly major," and ending with evaluation of the complete stimulus. The results
showed that mode inference followed the prescribed modes and tended to bec
ome more definite with increasing stimulus length. Experts were generally m
ore definite in their inferences than were nonexperts. Surprisingly, the te
mporal structure of stimuli also appeared to affect mode inference. The deg
ree of definiteness of mode judgments did not systematically differ between
the two modes. It was concluded that listeners are able to infer the mode
of a piece of music in the absence of explicit harmonic cues. The generaliz
ability of the results with respect to music pieces of late periods in West
ern music history and the impact of different musical genres on mode infere
nce are discussed.