The reproducibility of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurements
of bone mineral density (BMD) is an important factor for longitudinal studi
es. We assessed the long-term precision of posteroanterior lumbar spine, fe
moral neck and total hip BMD in 40 postmenopausal women who formed the cont
rol arm of a clinical trial of tibolone. BMD was measured at 0, 6 and 12 mo
nths and thereafter every 12 months up to 7 years. For each subject the tre
nd of BMD with time was analyzed using Linear regression. Each residual was
expressed as the percentage difference from predicted BMD and the validity
of assuming linear change with time was checked using the mean residuals f
or each visit number. For spine BMD a chi-squared test showed that the mean
residuals were not statistically significantly different from zero. Althou
gh statistically significant deviations from Linearity were found for the f
emoral neck and total hip sites the weighted root mean square residuals wer
e small compared with the precision errors. When residuals were binned into
histograms a statistical test for skewness was not significant for all thr
ee sites. However, a test for kurtosis yielded a statistically significant
result for each histogram due to outlying residuals, To determine the stand
ard deviation (SD) of the core gaussian distribution, outliers were trimmed
using the method of Melton et al. For lumbar spine BMD outliers with resid
uals exceeding +/- 3 SD arose mainly: from subjects with a body mass index
(BMI) >28 kg/m(2) or from subjects who had undergone a large change in BMI
during the study. For femoral neck BMD and total hip BMD the outliers were
frequently due to inconsistent rotation of the hip. Results for long-term p
recision calculated from the standard deviation of residuals using the trim
med (untrimmed) data were: lumbar spine BRID, 1.12% (1.65%); femoral neck B
MD, 2.21% (2.48%); and total hip BMD, 1.32% (1.57%). These errors were only
slightly worse than short-term errors despite changes of DXA scanner durin
g the course of the study. However, obesity may have an adverse effect on p
recision errors in individual patients and particular care is necessary to
ensure reproducible patient positioning for femur scans.