Holoprosencephaly is a birth defect affecting the medial structures of the
brain and face. This investigation examined the epidemiology of holoprosenc
ephaly in Hawaii between 1986 and 1997, using data obtained from a birth de
fects registry, and compared the results with those of other population-bas
ed studies. Twenty-five cases were identified, producing a prevalence of 1.
09 per 10 000 livebirths. There were 17 (68.0%) livebirths, two (8.0%) feta
l deaths and six (24.0%) elective terminations. Ten (58.8%) of the livebirt
hs died before the age of 1 year. Seven (28.0%) had a known chromosomal abn
ormality, most often trisomy 13. Prevalence rates were higher for maternal
age > 39 years, maternal race/ethnicity of Far East Asian or Filipino, fema
les and residence in Maui County. The small number of cases limited the sta
tistical significance of the study. However, this report confirms many of t
he findings from the previous studies and adds new findings, particularly t
he higher prevalence among Far East Asians and Filipinos.