The hardening of steel involves a combination of heating above the austenit
izing temperature followed by rapid cooling to achieve martensite. Some met
hods of surface: hardening, like laser or inductive hardening provide harde
ned layer thicknesses in range of 0.3-1.0 mm. The production of an ultra-th
in hardened layer, under 50 mu m, on the steel surface is described. The te
chnology of hardening is based on a pulsed heating of the steel surface due
to the light emission of a pulsed power are and a subsequent cooling due t
o dissipation of heat into the underlying steel substrate. The duration and
power of heating define the thickness of a hardened layer to a great degre
e. The thickness of a layer can be varied from tens to hundreds of microns.
The structure of steel underneath the hardened layer remains unchanged. It
is possible to harden the surface of a steel work-piece that is prone to m
echanical deformations like a spring or thin blade. The hardened layer can
be elastically deformed because it is extremely thin. The work-piece retain
s its spring properties while the surface is independently hardened. The pr
ocess can be applied to an uneven surface. The experimental data and simula
tions presented are in good agreement.