Objectives: The aim of the study is the evaluation of essential characteris
tics of patients who entered the sheltered group homes of the Psychosoziale
n Dienst (PSD) in the city of Vienna after the establishment of sectorized
psychiatric out-patient care Facilities. Method: Eighty patients who lived
in these group homes on the first key day, June 30th 1993, were investigate
d. Any change in their living situation and rate of hospitalization was asc
ertained at follow-up, 3.5 years after the first key day. Results: The pati
ents had an average period of hospitalization of 240.5 days per year before
entry to a group home, which decreased to 12.4 days per year after entry t
o a sheltered group home. At follow-up more than half of all patients (65%)
were still able to live in the community successfully. The number and the
length of hospitalizations between the first key day and the follow-up were
lowest far patients who had moved to private homes. Conclusions: Sheltered
group homes play an essential role in the process of rehabilitation toward
s independent living within the community. The results demonstrate that reh
abilitation in private apartments can be possible even after 5.7 years of r
esidence in sheltered group homes.