OVERVIEW: Most companies' development portfolios suffer from: too many proj
ects for the limited resources available; ineffective project prioritizatio
n; Go/Kill decisions made in the absence of solid information; and too many
minor projects in the portfolio. The end result is poor performance: low-i
mpact projects; too long to get to market, and low-impact projects; too lon
g to get to market; and based on the experiences of firms in the study.. Th
e first is to implement a systematic gating ou Stage-Gate new product proce
ss, complete with tough Go/Kill decision points. Next, build in resource ca
pacity analysis-a quantitative assessment of resource supply versus demand
in your new product pipeline. A third solution is to develop a product inno
vation and technology strategy for your business to help guide the selectio
n of the best projects. Finally, integrate portfolio management into your g
ating process using one of the two approaches utilized by leading companies
in the study.