OVERVIEW: "We spend too much on technology, and we don't earn enough from i
t!" This quote, attributed to Siemens' CEO Heinrich von Pierer in 1994. ant
icipates the essential question explored in this article. Is the strategy o
f ever-heavier commitments to internal R&D spending to establish al? advant
age in time-based competition inherently; self-limiting? Investment-mix shi
fts to support accelerating technical advance as well as deteriorating rate
s of new cash returns to those shifts have been widespread throughout U.S.
manufacturing since the mid-1970s. While no causal linkage between the two
trends is detectable in the aggregate, there is a strong possibility that s
uch a linkage functions at the level of specific sectors ann industries. Th
is has implications for both broad and deep industrial restructuring as wel
l as the deployment of time-based competition as a corporate strategy.