Purpose. To describe a technique for intra-articular injection in the MR su
ite after conventional fluoroscopic landmarking in order to streamline MR a
Design and patients. This technique was performed on 33 consecutive patient
s referred for MR arthrography of the shoulder to evaluate the glenoid labr
um and on 15 consecutive patients referred for MR arthrography of the hip t
o evaluate the acetabular labrum. The patients were landmarked in the fluor
oscopy suite, followed by a conventional MR examination. The intra-articula
r injection was then performed on the MR table and the MR arthrographic seq
uences obtained.
Results. One of the 48 injections was extra-articular, requiring a second i
njection. The other injections were performed without incident, and the ave
rage total procedure time for all injections was 10 min.
Conclusions. This technique is a reliable method of streamlining intra-arti
cular injections when performing conventional MR imaging prior to the MR ar
thrographic portion of the examination. It shortens the total MR examinatio
n time by eliminating a visit to the fluoroscopy suite in the middle of the
MR study, and its use of a straight anterior approach for both the shoulde
r and hip joints should be familiar to most people who perform conventional