Objective: To determine the efficacy and safety of quick-setting hydroxyapa
tite cement in eliminating cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea following n
eurotologic surgery.
Study Design: A prospective study of 40 consecutive patients undergoing neu
rotologic surgery in whom the dura was opened.
Setting: All patients were treated as hospital inpatients at a tertiary ref
erral center.
Patients: 25 men and 15 women between the ages of 20 and 72 years (mean age
51 years) underwent neurotologic surgery at the parent institution.
Intervention: Various neurotologic procedures were per formed for the resec
tion of 25 acoustic tumors, 5 meningiomas, 3 glomus tumors, 2 vestibular ne
rve sections, 2 chordomas, 1 epidermoid tumor, and 1 meningoencephelocele,
and for 2 patients referred to our institution with known CSF leaks followi
ng acoustic tumor surgery. A new form of quick-setting hydroxyapatite cemen
t, which that hardens within 3 to 5 minutes was used to seal the air cell t
racts of the temporal bone in all cases.
Main Outcome Measure: The presence of CSF rhinorrhea postoperatively.
Results: CSF rhinorrhea occurred in 2 patients following acoustic tumor sur
gery, the first through an occult air cell tract at the margin of the drill
ed internal auditory canal, and the second via an oval window fistula 1 mon
th after a translabyrinthine approach.
Conclusions: This form of hydroxyapatite cement appears safe, reliable, eff
ective, and economical for the prevention of CSF rhinorrhea following neuro
tologic surgery. CSF rhinorrhea cannot be eliminated unless our ability to
identify all potential air cell tract communications improves.