A one-year-old male-Maltese dog suffered seizures, blindness and behaviour
change. The brain CT Scan examination evidenced an asymmetric ventricular e
nlargement, hypodensities and pathological contrast enhancements. A presump
tive diagnosis of necrotizing encephalitis was made. Histopathology demonst
rated lesions similar to those published in Maltese dogs, Yorkshire Terrier
s and Pug dogs with necrotizing encephalitis, i.e, perivascular and meninge
al mononuclear cell accumulation, focal microgliosis, astrocytosis, mononuc
lear cell infiltration with spongiosis, necrosis and cavitation. The presen
t case is, to the author's knowledge, the first report of necrotizing encep
halitis in a Maltese dog outside the USA.