The effects of forager body size and floral display size on pollinator beha
viour were assessed in a relatively specialised plant-pollinator system. Cy
tisus scoparius, which has structurally complex, nectarless flowers is poll
inated by foraging bumblebees. Variations in bee body size affected the pro
portion of open flowers visited, the ability of bees to trigger the pollina
tion mechanism of flowers and handling times on open flowers. Smaller bees
handled flowers more successfully and efficiently than larger ones. Contrar
y to previous reports, all bees preferred to visit open flowers and possibl
e explanations for this are discussed. Floral display size also affected be
haviour as bees visited more flowers per plant on larger plants, but visite
d a lower proportion of the available flowers. There was no interaction bet
ween body size and floral display size, suggesting that bees of all sizes r
espond in a similar manner to variations in floral display sizes. The poten
tial impacts of variations in bumblebee behaviour on plant reproductive suc
cess are discussed.