Intravenously administered alteplase (recombinant tissue plasminogen activa
tor; rtPA) is the only medical treatment that has been approved for the man
agement of acute ischaemic stroke. Although rtPA has demonstrated efficacy
in improving outcomes of patients with a wide range of neurological impairm
ents, it cannot be given with impunity. Thrombolytic therapy is associated
with a considerable risk of intracranial bleeding that is likely to be cata
strophic. Careful selection of patients to treat and intensive ancillary ca
re are the keys for successful administration of rtPA. An algorithm for sel
ection is based on the interval from the onset of stroke, history of recent
medical illnesses or use of medications, findings of the medical and neuro
logical examinations and the results of laboratory and brain imaging studie
s. Because rtPA must be given within 3 hours of onset of stroke, most patie
nts cannot be treated. Thus, additional therapies are needed for treatment
of patients with acute ischaemic stroke.