The Spanish ceramic industry has experienced a amazing growth in the last f
our years. Such expansion has affected all sector, but has been particularl
y noteworthy in those directly related to construction: tiles, glazes, bric
ks and roof tiles. A combination of an extraordinary exporting effort, toge
ther with a record figure in new housing projects (415 000 houses in 1999),
are responsible for such outburst. Other sectors, such as refractories hav
e undergone significant growths due to the high rate of steel production in
crease, also in historical record figures (15m t in 1999). All this sectors
doubled altogether the growing rate of their main European competitors. Ra
w material production has had an even more effervescent trend, almost doubl
ing 1995 production. Such dynamic growth has been associated to a remarkabl
e quality increase and to an unparalleled technological innovation process.